

目前顯示的是 11月, 2020的文章


  提示 : 許多臺灣的學校與日本、韓國或是其他國家的高校締結為姊妹校。為了增進姐妹校之間的情誼 , 你的老師與對方學校計畫讓雙方同學互為筆友 , 彼此以英文書信互相交流。現在請你 ( 英文名字必須 Jack 或 Jil) 寫一封信給外國姊妹校的同學 ( 英文名字必須假設為 Ken 或 Barbie 高中生的日常生活是甚麼樣子 , 讓對方認識臺灣青少年的文化。為免評分困擾 , 不得使用真實的姓 校名 , 若需提及自己的校名 , 請以 ABC high school 代替 , 並以上述 Jack 或 Jill 在信末署名   Dear Barbie,           It is my pleasure to be your pen pal. I study in ABC high school which is located in the northern part of Taiwan. I heard something about your school from our principal and teachers. It is very interesting to know about the campus life of the students who are at a similar age with us in America.           The students in Taiwan are under great pressure of schoolwork. To enter an ideal university, we have to study as hard as we can to get good grades. We spend almost whole day at school. Many students go to cram school in the evening. Even if we study diligently, there is no promise that we will perform well in the tests. Intense as the daily life is, we still try our best to strike a bala


  說明 :1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2. 文長至少 120 個單詞 (words) 提示 : 現代人生活中都充滿了各種壓力 , 大人、小孩都如此 , 當然青少年也不例外。請寫一篇英文作文 文分兩段。第一段 , 說明你生活中主要的壓力來源為何 ? 第二段 , 描述平時面對壓力時 , 你都是如何紓解、對抗壓力的。      Nowadays people have a lot of stress. Not only adults but also young children have the same experiences of suffering from stress from all kinds of tasks or obligations. Teenagers with no exception are in the same situation. Take myself as an example, I have a great deal of pressure from my schoolwork, family, and school life. Among these, studying is my biggest burden which often leads me to a very down mood. As the college entrance exam is around the cornor, my burden is getting heavier day by day. I do not even want to talk to my family although I know they care about me. I just want to be alone and have a break from people around.       When I am under great stress, I often take a walk and listen to soft music, and I do not think about schoolwork and entrance exam. Just keep myself temporarily away fr

關於學測英文作文 (Eva) 20201103

         害怕英文寫作嗎 ? 不少人的答案是 “ 我連中文寫作都有問題了,何況是英文 ?” ^^” 作文之所以讓人卻步, Eva 小心求證,大膽推敲後,列出以下原因 : 想法不夠,生活體驗不足, 閱讀量 / 練習量有限,口語表達缺乏 。 這裡所說的口語表達,可不是一般的談話,而是合適的表達自己的想法,觀點,或是將一個事件 再描述 的能力。             就著英文作文來說,單字是很重要的。就像打仗的士兵子彈不夠,糧倉空空,很難有好的發揮。常會詞窮,或有重複用字的窘況。有些用字還停留在國中程度,這是有點尷尬。比如 :good 是國中用字,到高中 ( 在某些情況)可能要用 marvelous 或是 superb 。但是,也不要故意使用艱澀難懂的單字。如果字的用法有誤,那就得不償失了。大概用 3-4 級的單字就已經不錯了。單字的記憶是長時間的累積,大家還是得 花功夫 — 背單字。           句型豐富度也是一個關鍵 : 關代子句,分詞構句,名詞子句,副詞子句 … with +O +OC ,都是基本配備喔。經過不斷的訓練,信手拈來都是漂亮的句型。目前幾位程度好的同學,高一上學期一開學就著手練習句型翻譯。再晚,高二上學期也會開始 ~ 手感是靠著不斷練習而培養出來的。           流暢度也是值得重視。讓閱卷老師能平平順順讀完一篇文章很重要。有一位同學,雖然單字用法簡約 (3-4級 單字 ) ,句型也是走樸實風,不華麗,平舖直述他的想法,他的作文內容 有觀點又通順 ,平常練習的時候,老師很想下手改個幾筆,卻又不知從何下手 ^^” 這位同學學測作文拿到 15 分以上 ( 滿分 20) ,所以要留意文章流暢度。            最後,時間控制,要預留足夠的時間給英文作文,平時要有配速練習 ~ 圖片來源 https://www.google.com/search?q=%E5%B0%8F%E7%99%BD%E4%BA%BA%E5%B7%A5%E4%BD%9C&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjD3Nixr-XsAhUE4GEKHUBHBwIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=%E5%B0%8F%E7%99%BD%E4%BA%BA&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgEMgQ