

目前顯示的是 5月, 2020的文章


       One day, Mary and John were on the way home from school. Mary was using her phone and John was enjoying music with his headphone. Both of them weren’t paying attention to their surroundings.      All of a sudden, Mary bumped into a tree. Her phone dropped to the ground and broke. A mother and her daughter walking behind them were shocked by the accident.   However, it seemed that John didn’t know what happened to his friend. He kept walking forward, singing along with the music.      He was so indulged in his music and didn’t notice a car was approaching him.   The driver honked the horn angrily for several times. Yet, John had no response to the driver.      Finally, the driver got off the car and scolded John for his careless, reminding him of how dangerous it was to be careless while walking on the road. After this incident, Mary and John learned a lesson that is not to use their phones nor to listen to music with headphone when walking on the road.


二、英文作文(占 20 分) 說明︰ 1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。              2. 文長至少 120 個單詞( words )。 提示︰下面兩本書是學校建議的暑假閱讀書籍,請依書名想想看該書的內容,並思考你會選擇哪一本書閱讀,為什麼?請在第一段說明你會選哪一本書及你認為該書的內容大概會是什麼,第二段提出你選擇該書的理由。   "EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL: Respect Others & Be Yourself" is the book I would like to read for sure. According to its title, I think the book focuses on two different aspects: respect others and be one’s self. The first part, respecting others, may refer to having an open mind to embrace different ideas, opinions, or personalities. The author might give us some tips on how to react when facing people quite different from us. The other aspect of the book may show us how to love ourselves and accept our own shortcomings and appreciate our strengths. In this part, the author might talk about the secret of how to avoid negative emotions such as jealousy and disappointment.     I prefer the book because of two reasons. First, I believe that respecting one another is the foundation of a peace


105 學測作文 (Final) 二、英文作文(占 20 分) 說明︰ 1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。       2. 文長至少 120 個單詞( words )。 提示︰ 你認為家裡生活環境的維持應該是誰的責任 ? 請寫一篇短文說明你的看法。文分兩段,      第一段說明你對家事該如何分工的看法及理由,      第二段舉例說明你家中家事分工的情形,並描述你自己做家事的經驗及感想。         With the concept of equality between men and women being accepted, doing housework is no longer women’s responsibilities. Instead, every member in the family should take part in housework. Based upon the two following reasons, I suggest that housework should be distributed equally to every family member. To begin with, the equal distribution of house chores can avoid family members from conflict. For example, a mother may complain that she has to work during the daytime and do housework after work. Her husband and children, however, may take a complete rest after work and school, lying on the couch, watching television, and browsing the Internet. In the long run, this can lead to fierce quarrels. Thus, to create a supportive atmosphere at home, it is advisable


My family had planned for the family-trip for a long time. I could not wait for the day to come. Finally, it was the day. On that day, we all got up early and were ready for the wonderful trip. My dad was humming his favorite song and he loaded luggage onto the car. My whole family set off with a pleasant mood. To our surprise, there was a traffic jam on the highway, so we moved very slowly. Mom said that because of the good weather and long holidays, everyone wanted to take a trip. Dad said that we should have checked the traffic situation earlier. While Dad and Mom were talking, I checked Google Map and found we would be stuck for more than ten miles. I suggested that we take an alternative way. Dad took my advice and drove to the other way to get to our destination. Unfortunately, when we arrived there--the newly-opened amusement park. There were a lot of people waiting outside for the tickets. It seemed that there was no way to get in. Dad saw the disappointment on my face. He,


           It is natural for people to pursue something new and cheap. Whenever there is a new product promotion, it is common to see people queuing up in front of a store. Many people are willing to spend time standing in a long line to give new things a try. So do I. Last week, a new café opened near my house. For promotion, on the opening day, all of their products were “buy one and get one free.” Therefore, a lot of people flocked into our community and stood in a long line in front of the café on that day. Out of curiosity, I invited my nephew to visit the café with me.           I still remembered there were a number of people crowding into our community in the early morning. To my surprise, the crowd neither made a loud noise nor cut in lines. Instead, everyone stood in line quietly or chatted with friends in a low voice. Without fighting or arguing, people just stood in line waiting for the things they desired. Although it is human nature to have something fresh and low-price


二、英文作文(占 20 分) 說明︰ 1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。       2. 文長至少 120 個單詞( words )。 提示︰身為臺灣的一份子,臺灣最讓你感到驕傲的是什麼?請以此為題,寫一篇英文作文,談臺灣最讓你引以為榮的二個面向或事物(例如:人、事、物、文化、制度等)。第一段描述這二個面向或事物,並說明它們為何讓你引以為榮;第二段則說明你認為可以用什麼方式來介紹或行銷這些臺灣特色,讓世人更了解臺灣。                    As one of the citizens living in Taiwan, I am proud of people and night markets. Most of the people in Taiwan are cultivated to be polite, humble, and helpful, which makes most Taiwanese treat one another with kindness. When I was young, my mom took me and my sister to a park nearby. All of a sudden, it started to rain, and we did not have any umbrella with us, nor did we have raincoats. At that very moment, one young man gave us his umbrella without saying a word and quickly ran to the store nearby to take cover from the rain. I was so touched by the act. Besides, when my sister and I were young, people in the MRT yielded seats to us. These good deeds impressed me a lot. In addition to friendliness, night market is another feature of Taiwan. P


經過近半年的煎熬,終於有了結果 — 至於滿意不滿意,都得接受囉 ~ 如果滿意,和你一起開心,要繼續精進喔。 如果不滿意,不要灰心喪志,更不要太快放棄, 只要青山在,不怕沒材燒,都有轉圜的餘地, 都還能往自己的目標循序漸進的前進。 就像 Eva 在 ” 再來聊聊會考後 ~20200524” 一文提及的故事都有逆轉勝的機會 ~ 重要的是 -- 不要灰心喪志,不要太快放棄。   Eva 再跟同學分享一個小故事 -- 小佩 學測沒有考好 ,她是用繁星申請到大學的。 小佩從高一開始過的生活都像是國三的生活,每一次的考試都是全力以赴。 那是因為他 會考也沒有考好 ,所以來到一間 ” 還好 ” 的高中, 雖然人生第一次的大考失敗,她很難過,但是她沒有讓自己沉浸在負面的感覺裡太久, 反之,她想 : 我一定要用功讀書,用 ” 繁星 ” 管道,申請到大學。 所以她每次的考試都是竭盡所能得到好成績, 三年下來,她就培養出一個很好的讀書習慣和性格。   繁星申請時她沒有申請到第一志願 — 護理系, 是申請到第二志願 -- 運動醫學系,這個科系也是小佩有興趣的。 因著 有興趣再加上 ” 刻苦耐勞 ” 的讀書精神 , 小佩居然能以優良成績,申請雙主修 - 護理系,還修了另外一個 ” 長照課程 ” , 照理說她應該是 ” 天昏地暗 ” ,但是, 因著興趣,還有對自己理想的堅持 , 小佩領了兩學期的 ” 書卷獎 ”( 班上前 3 名 ) 她也都積極規劃爭取最優的實習點和額外的學習機會, 她也都如願以償了。   這個故事是想要鼓勵對於結果不滿意的同學 — 不要灰心喪志,更不要太快放棄, 只要青山在,不怕沒材燒,都有轉圜的餘地, 都還能往自己的目標循序漸進的前進,   接下來和大家談談這段時間可以做什麼呢 ?   一、                 上學校網站了解科系的課程地圖 稍微知道將來要學習的內容,也可以知道學校對於實習的安排或是課程規劃, 這段期間或許有學長姊,會和各位聯絡,可以藉著交談了解學長姐們的學習心得和建議。 大學一切的選課,課表,學分數,讀書考試, … 都是自己處理,沒有人會一直提醒同學, 所以要清楚一些制度,免得受虧損喔   二


  再來聊聊會考後可以有什麼有趣的事可以做呢 ? 一、 心情問題 剛結束人生第一次大考是要好好休息一下,但是 …. 不要耍廢太久喔,還是要過正常 ” 人 ” 的生活,如果覺得自己沒考好, 傷心一下就好了,趕快積極起來,要停損喔 ! 說個 Eva 的小故事, ( 有沒有大道理 ? 你來判斷喔 ) Eva 是在人生第一次大考跌跤,跌得很慘,自己最拿手的英文和國文都粗心 10 幾分, 和第一志願說掰掰之外,連第二志願的尾巴都沒有,落到第三志願 … 老師們都嚇壞了,爸爸也問我要不要重考 ? Eva 自己是哭不出來像個失魂的人 … 躺在床上想人生意義 … 後來就去讀五專的商科,讀自己最不拿手的 ” 數字 ” … 還能讀得不錯,看見人的潛力真是無窮。 因為喜歡英文, Eva 一直找管道學習 -- 補習,聽廣播,買書自修,考英檢, ..… 最後還拿到自己夢寐以求的英語教學碩士,還有英語教學相關的國際證照,直到現在還是學習中喔 ~ 也因為對國文有興趣,喜歡閱讀,寫作,有一陣子密集投稿國語日報,得到不少微薄稿費,很有成就感。 從人生第一次大考失利以來, Eva 截至目前,每次重要考試都很順利,所以同學們 不要為了一次的失誤就失望灰心喔 ~ 如果你對自己的考試結果很滿意, Eva 與你一同開心。但是不要 ” 飛在天上 ”太 久,還是要回來人間過生活,再積極充實自己,免得功力消耗殆盡,到開學時就會顯得很有壓力,記得強中自有強中手喔 ~   二、 探索興趣 可以藉著看書,參加營隊,探索自己的興趣。 108 課綱很注意學習歷程,你可以在這個時候,先了解一下自己,到高中的時候就可以省去模索的時間。再說個小故事 : Eva 兩個女兒在就讀高中以前,就很清楚自己的興趣所在。暑假期間,除了多有涉略之外,就讀高中期間,每個寒暑假都參加相關營隊,確認自己真的有興趣嗎 ? 也藉著營隊認識相關科系。現在他們都在自己喜歡的大學裡開心地就讀他們有興趣的科目, 雖然課業沉重,但是他們都讀得很開心,因為那是他們的興趣,就像 Eva 喜歡讀英文一樣    三、 超前部署 高中課程和國中真的很不一樣,各科目好像都跳兩級,所以建議同學們一定要超前部署。 去補習班試聽課程,或是現在有許多線上課程都很棒 : COOL ENGL


  Annie wanted a puppy for she liked dogs very much.  Annie’s classmate, Tina, had five puppies, which had been born the day before.  Annie wanted to pick out a puppy for herself but she had to talk it over with her mother first.         “I have no idea about getting along with a dog.  It you can take care of it by yourself, you can keep one.” Said her mother.         “Let me think about it,” Annie said.  “A dog may be too much trouble, and I will be busy all day long.”         “Take your time,” Annie’s mother said.  “There is no hurry.  The puppy is still quite young.”         That night, when Anie lied down on the bed, she took out a book on “ How to Take Care of Your Dog”  and read it carefully.         The next day, she decided to go to Tina’s home and ask for advice.  Tina said to her, “It does make some difference to have a dog in a family.  A dog will bring a lot of trouble, but sometimes, it will bring a lot of fun on purpose, too.  That’s because most dogs are smart.  Sin


   I got up in the early morning as usual and turned on the radio to listen to English Classroom on the air.  I turned it off when the program came to an end.  Putting on my uniform and picking up my books off the desk, I went out to wait for the bus.  At first I was patient enough to look at each bus passing, trying to find out the number of the bus I was to get on.  Little by little I grew impatient, for it was about time for school to begin.  It seemed I had to call up my teacher at school and ask for absent leave.         Right then the bus came, and I arrived at school at last.  Everything turned out all right, but I felt tired out.     1.        as usual as is the general case, as is typical 2.        to come to an end to end, to stop 3.        wait for to continue as one is in expectation of 4.        at first in the beginning, originally 5.        to look at to try to find, to search for 6.        to find out get information about, to discover or confirm the truth 7.        lit


 It is six o’clock in the morning.  William gets up, puts on his sporting suit, and starts jogging right away.  He runs to the park and does morning exercise there.  An hour later, he gets on the bus to work.         He is usually busy at work.  It takes most of his time to operte the machine of the factory.  Although he wants to call up his girl friend, Jane, the job stops him from doing so.  When he arrives at the factory, he turns on the switch board of the power to start the machine.  He can’t turn it off until four o’clock in the afternoon.         Getting off the bus, William goes back home, takes off the working suit, and sits comfortably on the sofa picking up the paper from the desk.  He enjoys the happy hours.     1.        to get up  to rise from bed; to sit up or stand; to arrange 2.        to put on   to clothe oneself with; to add to 3.        right away immediately, very soon 4.        to get on to enter or to board a vehicle 5.        to call up to telephone someone; to

Eva (英文學習)故事時間~ 20200518

故事精華 沒想到第一次上課,測試英文能力, 還真的是  “ 慘不忍睹 ” 單字很為難 ,  國一國二基本文法也很有問題,.... 對於基礎不佳的阿華真的很吃力, Eva 也得很賣力,補足以前的,還要趕上現在的... 後來幾次的月考,模考都看的見進步的足跡, 最後正是會考來了 ~~~ 看官覺得阿華表現如何呢 ? 這個故事要告訴我們的,都已經用紅筆標示了 , 祝福大家,覺得自己英文不好的,不要氣餒 (EVA 也覺得自己英文很有進步空間,所以也一直在學習 ) 我們都要有阿華的精神 :  努力 +  認真配上對的策略 =  持續進步 今天故事主角是阿華。 阿華升國三的暑假,為了預備會考,來找 Eva 上課。 初次見面,阿華和媽媽都說她的英文底子很差, 我想又是一個謙虛的好孩子, ( 因為很多同學都說自己很差,結果 …. 能力都不錯 )   沒想到第一次上課,測試英文能力, 還真的是 “ 慘不忍睹 ” 單字很為難 , 國一國二基本文法也很有問題, 恐怕不要 C 就好了, B+ 是奢求。   因為會考在即, Eva 只能採取 ” 急速加溫 ” , 很快地將強度調到阿華的極限 --- 主要是 ” 單字 ” 。 沒想到 阿華真的照單全收 , 雖然剛開始有些 ” 碎念 ” , 但是,還是會認真的盡本分, 還好,媽媽沒有來 ” 關說 ” , 媽媽聽阿華碎念,就安慰,鼓勵,打氣一下,就叫他還是要背。   會的單字越來越多了, 接下來就是鞏固文法概念, B5/B6 的文法是最難的,也是會考出題所在, 對於基礎不佳的阿華真的很吃力, Eva 也得很賣力,補足以前的,還要趕上現在的   後來幾次的月考,模考都看得見進步的足跡, 幾次模考還能 B+,B++, 月考也能看到 ”7” 和 ”8” 字頭, 真是開心。   最後正是會考來了 ~~~ 看官覺得阿華表現如何呢 ?   結果正式會考 …. 只有 ….,B(+)   Eva 還滿傷心,想說,我們火力全開, 阿華和媽媽倒是沒有很傷心, 說還好,再繼續學習就好了   媽媽和阿華都覺得, 以前根基不好,阿華資質也有限, 學英文是常常久久 , 日積月累,不是一蹴可成,   於是利用


寫完這次的會考題目, Eva 真是感動 ! 因為閱讀題的題材幾乎在考前複習全練習到了 ~ 由於取消英聽考試, Eva 大大調整考前複習的進度和內容 — 更著重於 多元題材 的 長文閱讀 ,一定要 圖文並茂 , 與生活有關 …. 我們練習了短文,書信,詩歌韻文,評論新聞,漫畫,文 + 圖,文 + 圖表,通訊軟體的對話框 … 還有其他題型 ( 深度更難更廣 ) , 我們的態度是 預備 200 分 去面對 100 分挑戰 ~   很開心,這次會考考題都在我們的練習範圍裡 ~ 有韻文猜謎,我們事先練習了韻文的 ” 指代題 ” Line 對話框,理解對話內容和每一個人所表達的意思 廣告,看了文章還要會換算 ( 有點數學概念 ) 文配圖,看了文章描述,對應選項中的圖片 新聞報導,就著前後文填入適當的連接語詞 網頁,就著內容,回答細節題和主旨題 地圖 + 文章 這些內容是 Eva 特別再去書局一趟,為同學們精挑細選 ” 精華版 ” 的長文閱讀 ~ 來因應這次會考 --- 純考閱讀題 以上供國中同學參考,這是必定趨勢了 ---- 要培養 ” 閱讀力 ”” 理解力 ” 越早越好喔 ~